Thursday, November 22, 2012

Testimony by james 2012 passed out

     My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. i am JAMES M ISAAC , i am glad to give my testimony , that my Lord Jesus Christ brought me back into his light , i am the perfect example of prodigal son , i have sinned against my eternal father . but lord Jesus Christ showed mercy on me and chosen me. while i was leading sinful life, my father asked to come to the Divine Mercy Retreat Center Elavur, near to Chennai . there after attending the inner healing retreat, i have realized and done with a true confession , and lord Jesus Christ has made free from all bondage , and now i am a member of the intercessory group to pray for the whole world and volunteer for all the prayer meeting . thank you Jesus for blessing me , thank you for doing many miracles in my life , thank you Mother Mary for interceding for me to your loving son. praise the lord .  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cjits jy 21/9/12

                            CJITS CG

Theme:Faith without work is dead
                               Starting of our CG was done by a starting prayer by harika followed by DMC by jaison.
                      After DMC we had a activity by pranay & prem in this a book as been given to the first person of the first row and he need to pass it to the following person while music is played. the music will be stopped at a moment and the person carrying the book must sing a devotional song.
                  After the activity we had a WORD OF GOD by john britto he told us about the faith without work is dead and given some versus: james2:14-26, james 4:4.
                we had a good praise and worship by reena. also we had a small section on testimony sharing & some AP Jy updates about LTP program and Culture exchange. at last we finished up by final prayer by britto.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cjits jy 13/9/12

                              CJITS CG

Theme:Saint story
                          Starting of our prayer was with a starting prayer by sunil and followed up by DMC by Pranay reddy.
                         After DMC we had a video presentation by audio visual ministry of saint Gemma Galgani and her story was continued by chakravarthy. After that great praise and worship was conducted by Arun & Pranitha. 
                         Our Heavenly food(Word Of God) was given by John Britto about the consequences that we will face when we leave the presence of God. and given some references John 21:3-14, john 15:5. 
                         After Word of God we had a small group discussion on the today's Word of God and we shared it among our self what we understood at last we had Action songs for the activeness of all the students was done by Harika, velangani & Co.   At last we compleed our prayer meeting with final prayer by Gowthami.

FOR TO WATCH THE VIDEO OF St. Gemma Galgani just click on the following address:-

Thursday, September 6, 2012

cjits jy 6/9/12

                                 CJIT JY CG 

Theme:- Prayer
                     Starting of our campus gathering with a starting prayer by swathi followed up by DMC by reena.
                 After DMC we praised god by our actions in action songs with the help of some volunteers jeenath, ajith, ranjith. After action songs praneetha told us about the women in the bible about mother Mary to every one followed up by praise and worship by chakravarthy and uday.
               At last John britto told us the word of god about prayer and asked us questions about how do we pray to god. Also told us some versus daniel-6:10, Genesis-13:18, 1kings-4:9-10. At last of our cg britto asked everyone to take a commitment and told us to abide them everyday. we also had a feedback section of today's JY.

Friday, August 31, 2012

CJIT JY reconstitution on 19/8/12


                                                  The new team of core members have been selected by the leaders joy chetten, pinto anna & ramya akka by after giving a day full of talk about bible and leadership qualities after that all the participants have given chance to vote for the people who can become a core member and help the following year to the cjit jy.

                    The selected people are   
                          1)John Britto-4th yr (coordinator)
                          2)Pranitha-3rd yr (asst coordinator) 
                          3)Bhavana-4th yr
                          4)Ajith-4th yr
                          5)Chakravarthy-3rd yr
                          6)Reena-3rd yr
                          7)Jaison Joseph-4th yr

cjit jy 30/8/12

                                    CAMPUS GATHERING


Theme:- Games & birthday celebrations. 

                         Starting of our campus gathering with a starting prayer by chakravarthy & following with a DMC by Ajith.
                After the DMC we had our word of god by john britto and told us about the first miracle of lord Jesus of wedding at Cana (john:2-1:12).

             After word of god we had two Games for the fund riser for the poor and jy needs.
1) Matching mall:- This game is for RS5 and Hosted  by Ajith. In this game their were kept four boxes were kept in a distance and In very box there was a slip in which a gospel name is wrote and in this same way at a distance again four boxes are kept. 
                    The participant must take a slip from the first four and what ever name he gets he must and should get the same one from the other four if he gets like that he wins.

2)Divine route:- This game is for RS10 and Hosted by John britto. In this game our eyes will be tied and we must draw a route from Egypt to Red sea to Promise land.  
                                    before that the route will be shown to the participant and after that his eyes are tied.

          After the Games we had Birthday celebration of all the jy members how participated on august. At last ending with a ending prayer done by John Britto.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

cjit jy 23/8/12

                            Campus gathering

Theme:- Holy rosary 

                 Starting of our gathering with a starting prayer seeking the blessings of god by britto and followed by DMC by Arun. 
                  After the DMC we had our heavenly food(word of god) given by Britto about our personal prayers that we want to do daily with some reference like

we must do our personal prayer with god by -Talking  
                                                                         -Thanks giving.

Holy Rosary Rally:-   
                                                 In this rally everyone were made to stand in a pair starting with boys in the front and followed by girls. We recited four prayerful mysteries of rosary while walking all the floors of the college. 
                         ending prayer was done by chakravarthy.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beauty of Catholic Church (Episode-1)


Source:  Br. Stephen George Collection

Episode - 1:

 I Believe in ... the Holy Catholic Church "

What does "Church" mean ?

The Greek word for--> church is "ekklesia" = those who are called forth. All of us who are baptized and believe in God are called forth by the Lord. Together we are thee Church. Christ is, as Paul says the Head of the Church. We are his body.

When we receive the sacraments and hear God's Word, Christ is in us and we are in him-- that is the --> CHURCH. The intimate communion of life with Jesus that is shared personally by all the baptized is described in Sacred Scripture by a wealth of images: Here it speaks about the People of God and in another passage about the Bride of Christ; now the Church is called Mother, and again she is God's family, or she is compared with a wedding feast. Never is the Church a mere institution, never just the "official Church" that we could do without. We will be upset by the mistakes and defects in the--> Church, but we can never distance ourselves from her, because God has made an irrevocable decision to love her and does not forsake her despite all the sins of her members. The Church is God's presence among us men. That is why we must love her.
What is the task of the Church?

The --> CHURCH's task is to make the kingdom of God, which has already begun with Jesus, germinate and grow in all nations.

Wherever Jesus went, heaven touched earth: the kingdom of God was inaugurated, a kingdom of peace and justice. The --> CHURCH serves this kingdom of God. She is not an end in herself. She must carry on what Jesus started. She should act as Jesus would act. She continues the sacred signs of Jesus (the --> SACRAMENTS). She hands on Jesus' words. That is why the Church, for all her weakness, is a formidable bit of heaven on earth.

Why is the Church more than an institution ?

The Church is more than an institution because she is a -> MYSTERY that is simultaneously human and divine.

True love does not blind a person but rather makes him see. With regard to the -> CHURCH, this is precisely the case: Viewed from outside, the Church is only a historical institution with historical achievements, but also mistakes and even crimes--a Church of sinners. But that is not looking deep enough. After all, Christ became so involved with us sinners that he never abandons his Church, even if we were to betray him daily. This inseparable union of the human and the divine, of sin and grace, is the mystery of the Church. Seen with the eyes of faith, the Church is therefore indestructibly holy.

To be continued......

In His Service,
CJITS Jesus Youth.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miracles in the career of Elijah and Elisha

Miracles in the Career of Elijah:
1) Causing the rain the cease for 3 1/2 years (1Ki 17:1)
2) Being fed by the ravens (1Ki 17:4)
3) Miracle of the barrel of meal and cruse of oil (1Ki 17:14)
4) Resurrection of the widow's son (1Ki 17:22)
5) Calling of fire from heaven on the altar (1Ki 18:38)
6) Causing it to rain (1Ki 18:45)
7) Prophecy that Ahab's sons would all be destroyed (1Ki 21:22)
8) Prophecy that Jezebel would be eaten by dogs (1Ki 21:23)
9) Prophecy that Ahaziah would die of his illness (2Ki 1:4)
10) Calling fire from heaven upon the first 50 soldiers (2Ki 2:10)
11) Calling fire from heaven upon the second 50 soldiers (2Ki 2:12)
12) Parting of the Jordan (2Ki 2:8)
13) Prophecy that Elisha should have a double portion of his spirit (2Ki 2:10)
14) Being caught up to heaven in a whirlwind (2Ki 2:11)

Miracles in the Career of Elisha:
1) Parting of the Jordan (2Ki 2:14)
2) Healing of the waters (2Ki 2:21)
3) Curse of the she bears (2Ki 2:24)
4) Filling of the valley with water (2Ki 3:17)
5) Deception of the Moabites with the valley of blood (2Ki 3:22)
6) Miracle of the vessels of oil (2Ki 4:4)
7) Prophecy that the Shunammite woman would have a son (2Ki 4:16)
8) Resurrection of the Shunammite's son (2Ki 4:34)
9) Healing of the gourds (2Ki 4:41)
10) Miracle of the bread (2Ki 4:43)
11) Healing of Naaman (2Ki 5:14)
12) Perception of Gehazi's transgression (2Ki 5:26)
13) Cursing Gehazi with leprosy (2Ki 5:27)
14) Floating of the axe head (2Ki 6:6)
15) Prophecy of the Syrian battle plans (2Ki 6:9)
16) Vision of the chariots (2Ki 6:17)
17) Smiting the Syrian army with blindness (2Ki 6:18)
18) Restoring the sight of the Syrian army (2Ki 6:20)
19) Prophecy of the end of the great famine (2Ki 7:1)
20) Prophecy that the scoffing nobleman would see, but not partake of, the abundance (2Ki 7:2)
21) Deception of the Syrians with the sound of chariots (2Ki 7:6)
22) Prophecy of the seven-year famine (2Ki 8:1)
23) Prophecy of Benhadad's untimely death (2Ki 8:10)
24) Prophecy of Hazael's cruelty to Israel (2Ki 8:12)
25) Prophecy that Jehu would smite the house of Ahab (2Ki 9:7)
26) Prophecy that Joash would smite the Syrians at Aphek (2Ki 13:17)
27) Prophecy that Joash would smite Syria thrice but not consume it (2Ki 13:19)
28) Resurrection of the man touched by his bones (2Ki 13:21)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CJIT JY 25/7/12

                               Revelation 14,6
  Started our gathering with a staring prayer seeking the blessings of God by Uday and followed by DMC lead by Chakravarthy, and followed by praise and worship by Britto.

             After praise and worship everyone were said to do there personal prayer and want to come front and take a blessed verse in-front of Jesus photo.   Told to pray for that verse that they got and need to think that the verse is the promise given by god and we want to glorify GOD for that.
                   Everyone were lined up by two by two and at the front persons garbing Jesus photo and one by Bible and everyone were following them boys after girls.
                   While walking around the campus everyone were praying GOD for the promise that they got and give strength for there future work in JY.
                 At the end at the ground floor the ending prayer was done by Britto.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

CJITS JY 19/7/12


THEME:- Pray without ceasing
                                                   1 Thes 5:17

                            Started our gathering with a  prayer seeking the blessings of God and followed by DMC lead by Arun.
                            Then all the people who came, were divided into 4 groups for doing the activity named P.E and P.S which means Parable Explaination and Parable Skit respectively. Two parables from Bible Lk 11:1-13 and Lk 18:1-8 were given. The first passage should be explained by one group and the other group should do a skit on it and likewise the other two groups should do the same on the other parable. Each group were given some time to give their performance.
                             And after that we heard the voice of god on the parables and the power of  prayer from his servant. It was said that we should pray without ceasing and always we should pray at any circumstance in our life. If our prayer is not heard by God once, we should not get depressed and should not say that God is not listening my prayer,so from now on i won't i pray.. We should not complain and we should pray more as the widow and friend in the parables. We should pray to our God and he will fulfill all our petitions and desires according to his Word. So,we should pray, pray and pray in our life to get closer to him and to fulfill his work given to us on this earth.
                            After hearing His Word, we all praised him with our actions by a action song lead by ajith and chakravarthy. And after that we all  praised him  with our praises and enthroned him on our praises and asked him repeatedly to give the power to pray him  in our life at any time, at any circumstance in our life.
                             And then concluded with the final prayer and left the place with a peaceful and praying heart. Thank You Lord and we praise You Lord forever.......Amen.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


                         CJITS JY

M/C - Raja,


D.M.C - Pranitha,

ACTION SONGS - Rakesh & Praney,

ACTIVITY - Uday & Sujith made everyone to write on Gospel match the following,

Praise and Worship - Arun & Chakravarthy,

Word of God - John Britto

INTERSECESSION TEAM - Gowthami, Velangani,

FINAL PRAYER - Varalakshmi.

Today the academic inaugural program was conducted by present 3rd years of CJIT and they requested the final years to cut the cake at the end.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Inline image 1


Praise be to God!!!

Dear People of God,

Let us meditate on the Last seven words of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary.

The First Word:
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
(Luke 23:34)

The Second Word:
“I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
(Luke 23:43)

The Third Word:
“Dear woman, here is your son.”
(John 19:26)

The Fourth Word:
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
(Mark 15:34)

The Fifth Word:
“I am thirsty.”
(John 19:28)

The Sixth Word:
“It is finished!”
(John 19:30)

The Seventh Word:
“Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”
(Luke 23:46)

Lord died for us, Let us live for Him!!!!!!

In Prayers,
Servant of Living God.
RICH TREASURE (W4) Inline image 1


Praise be to God!!!

Dear People of God,

Let us meditate on the Last seven words of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary.

The First Word:
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
(Luke 23:34)

The Second Word:
“I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
(Luke 23:43)

The Third Word:
“Dear woman, here is your son.”
(John 19:26)

The Fourth Word:
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
(Mark 15:34)

The Fifth Word:
“I am thirsty.”
(John 19:28)

The Sixth Word:
“It is finished!”
(John 19:30)

The Seventh Word:
“Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”
(Luke 23:46)

Lord died for us, Let us live for Him!!!!!!

In Prayers,
Servant of Living God.
Saturday, April 7, 2012 2:15 AM
RICH TREASURE (W4) Inline image 1


Praise be to God!!!

Dear People of God,

Let us meditate on the Last seven words of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary.

The First Word:
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
(Luke 23:34)

The Second Word:
“I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
(Luke 23:43)

The Third Word:
“Dear woman, here is your son.”
(John 19:26)

The Fourth Word:
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
(Mark 15:34)

The Fifth Word:
“I am thirsty.”
(John 19:28)

The Sixth Word:
“It is finished!”
(John 19:30)

The Seventh Word:
“Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”
(Luke 23:46)

Lord died for us, Let us live for Him!!!!!!

In Prayers,
Servant of Living God.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Good Friday

Cross On Good Friday Christians remember the day that Jesus was killed on the cross. He was nailed to a wooden cross by Roman soldiers. This is the reason why the cross is an important sign for Christians today. There are crosses in churches and many Christians wear a cross on a chain. At Easter people eat hot cross buns which have a cross shape on the top.

Hot Cross Buns Good Friday is a sad day and churches never have flowers or decorations on this day. The church is left dark and there is just a simple cross on the altar. It is known as Good Friday because Christians believe that Jesus gave up his life for the good of everyone.

The Crucifixion is remembered in Jerusalem even today. Large crowds of Christians take the same path as Jesus. In some countries people act out the story of Jesus' last day while others watch and think about the events which happened long ago.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Inline image 1

Lord says: I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians (Bondages, Slavery).
I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgement.

(He will give us freedom from all unrighteousness. )

In Prayers,
Servant of Living God.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Inline image 1 GOD HEARS YOU

Dear People of God,

Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
(Isaiah 58:9)

God listens to your supplications. Lord Jesus said to His Father, “I knew that you always hear me” (John 11:42).

We read in the Bible that Lord Jesus raised up Lazarus from the grave even after four days of his death. When He called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out,” he came out alive. The Almighty God listened to Lord Jesus Christ and resurrected Lazarus. He is alive even today. When you ask Him anything, He is willing to give it to you.

The Lord is walking in your midst with the same compassion. The Bible says, “He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth” (Hosea 6:3). He sends the former rain and the latter rain to the earth.

The Scripture assures, “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I” (Isaiah 58:9). The Lord who promised, “I will not leave you as orphans, ” will certainly listen to your supplications. He will come and dwell in your heart and fill you with abundant joy. He will make you to spread the fragrance of His knowledge and prosper your life. Above all, He will enable you to lead a victorious life.

Inline image 2Prayer:

Loving Lord Jesus,

I cry out to You in my affliction because I trust in You. I know that You will hear my prayers. I call upon your name believing that You will deliver those who truly seek You. Come and dwell in my heart and fill me with abundant joy. Save me out of all my troubles and prosper my life. Enable me to lead a victorious life. May your name alone be honored.

In Your matchless name I pray.
