Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CJIT JY 25/7/12

                               Revelation 14,6
  Started our gathering with a staring prayer seeking the blessings of God by Uday and followed by DMC lead by Chakravarthy, and followed by praise and worship by Britto.

             After praise and worship everyone were said to do there personal prayer and want to come front and take a blessed verse in-front of Jesus photo.   Told to pray for that verse that they got and need to think that the verse is the promise given by god and we want to glorify GOD for that.
                   Everyone were lined up by two by two and at the front persons garbing Jesus photo and one by Bible and everyone were following them boys after girls.
                   While walking around the campus everyone were praying GOD for the promise that they got and give strength for there future work in JY.
                 At the end at the ground floor the ending prayer was done by Britto.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

CJITS JY 19/7/12


THEME:- Pray without ceasing
                                                   1 Thes 5:17

                            Started our gathering with a  prayer seeking the blessings of God and followed by DMC lead by Arun.
                            Then all the people who came, were divided into 4 groups for doing the activity named P.E and P.S which means Parable Explaination and Parable Skit respectively. Two parables from Bible Lk 11:1-13 and Lk 18:1-8 were given. The first passage should be explained by one group and the other group should do a skit on it and likewise the other two groups should do the same on the other parable. Each group were given some time to give their performance.
                             And after that we heard the voice of god on the parables and the power of  prayer from his servant. It was said that we should pray without ceasing and always we should pray at any circumstance in our life. If our prayer is not heard by God once, we should not get depressed and should not say that God is not listening my prayer,so from now on i won't i pray.. We should not complain and we should pray more as the widow and friend in the parables. We should pray to our God and he will fulfill all our petitions and desires according to his Word. So,we should pray, pray and pray in our life to get closer to him and to fulfill his work given to us on this earth.
                            After hearing His Word, we all praised him with our actions by a action song lead by ajith and chakravarthy. And after that we all  praised him  with our praises and enthroned him on our praises and asked him repeatedly to give the power to pray him  in our life at any time, at any circumstance in our life.
                             And then concluded with the final prayer and left the place with a peaceful and praying heart. Thank You Lord and we praise You Lord forever.......Amen.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


                         CJITS JY

M/C - Raja,


D.M.C - Pranitha,

ACTION SONGS - Rakesh & Praney,

ACTIVITY - Uday & Sujith made everyone to write on Gospel match the following,

Praise and Worship - Arun & Chakravarthy,

Word of God - John Britto

INTERSECESSION TEAM - Gowthami, Velangani,

FINAL PRAYER - Varalakshmi.

Today the academic inaugural program was conducted by present 3rd years of CJIT and they requested the final years to cut the cake at the end.