Monday, January 10, 2011

Story of the month jan,2011.

As i mentioned there is a best story teller competition in the first week of month, this is the story of jan.
One day a father and his small son wil go for a picnic .so,they go out to the fields outside.they both enter into the field and keep walking.As they walk they cross a slot where a sapling are there& in the next slot later sprouts & later at the ending they come across big crops (ready for harvest )that are bent down(to the ground).The father says to the son look around the field & tell what you see.the son replies dad i find crop the father then tries to explain to the son that when as sprouts they stand straight,head strong upright but as they grow they bend down it means that they become humble,may be through weight of the grain ,in tha same way,when as a small child we will be straight head strong, but as we grow we should bend down,be humble as those big crops-may be experience we approach in life.
So the moral is we need to be humble bent down as we grow.If we humble before god,he will increase us to the greatest extent.

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